The other night I was sitting having dinner with a group of people after a day at a conference. It wasn't just any conference really. It was the BIF Storytellers Summit. Two days and 32 speakers of extraordinary accomplishment.
Read MoreLast night I was in a deep funk. I didn't see much possibility in anything. All that I was working on seemed rather desperate and irrelevant. I played the guitar for a while, that seemed to help a bit, but the cloud over my spirits stayed with me until I went to bed last night.
Read MoreWhen we walk into a room filled with people with a task before us, how do we see ourselves? Well, typically we don't see ourselves. As mentioned elsewhere, we are too preoccupied with the goings-on of the day and our own personal obsessions.
Read MoreHow to become an instrument and be attuned to what is needed? What is that effort? What is this middle ground between Heaven and earth? How to inhabit the sin and forgiveness, the suffering and the joy? How to feel the great currents of our ideals?
Read MoreAmong the most pernicious and hidden barriers to collaborative endeavor are the expectations we bring to the table. These expectations take many forms.
Read MoreSo what’s the labor these days? What exactly is the work? Surely it's not what we had in the nineteenth century but how amazing that for most of us that's pretty much where it remains. If we look around however another picture begins to emerge.
Read MoreIf I really am really serious about spreading the word, about putting a stake in the ground, about proclaiming that I really mean it when I say: everyone is creative and we need that creativity in the world. It is our most squandered resource. It can save us. All the worlds problems can be laid at the door of a lack of creative imagination...
Read MoreThere is a video of Gerhard Richter, painting. Occasionally he is also narrating as well, offering a commentary intermittently.
Read MoreThere is a yawning gap between good intentions and lesser performance. The promised goodness can be a blinding force, sparkling in glittering possibility and imagined effect.
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