“I am always excited to share how the themes of presence and collaboration are essential for all organizations and individuals.”
Partial list of speaking engagements
Remembering Community: Building the New Sandy Hook School
National Conference
American Institute of Architects
How We Are Matters
Business Innovation Factory
Storytellers Summit (BIF)
Providence, Rhode Island
Seeds of a New Civilization/ Re-Imagining Sustainability
GreenBuild International Conference 2015
Collaboration: Why Bother?
Annual Conference: Global Equity Partners
Ernst and Young
The Place of the Entrepreneur
The Harvard Business School
How our work environment can nourish a creative culture
Conference on Entrepreneurship
Stanford School of Business
Celebrating Collaboration
Build Pittsburgh Annual Conference
Pittsburgh PA
How will Sustainability Succeed?
Land Use Institute
Pace University School of Law
Nurturing Community Engagement
Charleston Public Library
Speaking: Inspiration and Activation
Over the last 30 years, Barry has presented to communities, institutions and organizations throughout the United States. The topics are specific to each occasion, however, they focus on two central themes: animating creative potential and inspiring collaborative engagement. The aim is to reveal the many ways we might bring our collective talents to serve our communities and improve the world in which we all live.
Business Innovation Factory
Storytellers Summit
Providence, Rhode Island
This talk tells of a personal journey of creative evolution and a search for meaning in what we do in life. Within it are stories of influential individuals who shaped the path to a greater understanding of what it is we do and why we do it.
GreenBuild International Conference 2015
Washington, DC
Seeds of a New Civilization/ Re-Imagining Sustainability
In a time of fractious debate, there is a need to understand how we might engage more effectively with those with whom we disagree. At the heart of this effort is a renewed commitment to collaboration and an greater understanding how we ourselves are so often the primary obstacle to successful engagements. This talk highlights six emerging trends that promise a brighter future.
Build Pittsburgh Annual Conference
Pittsburgh PA
Celebrating Collaboration
For the first time, Build Pittsburgh included a wide representation across the entire AEC industry. The focus of this talk was an exploration of how effective collaboration works, revealing the fact that our greatest obstacle is that we think know what collaboration is and, more of a problem, we think we’re good at it.
K-12 Facilities Forum
Palm Springs, CA
How We Are Matters
We all share of the wish to provide a wonderful place for children with learning thrive. In pursuit of that, with focus a great deal of our attention on the description about these places need to perform and decided construction. However, we spend less time on the process of brings these descriptions alive and even less time considering how we ourselves, as individuals contribute to that process. This talk explores the quality of how we are, how we participate and how that impacts the creation of a learning environments. How we are matters.
To request information about Barry's speaking schedule and rates contact him here.