“There is no work alone.
All that we have to give we have been given.”
This section is to acknowledge sources of inspiration which is animated my own wish to contribute to what is needed in the world. In resonating the sources, people, ideas and places, the hope is that they might in turn inspire others.
Gratitude gallery
Sir Ken Robinson
Recommended: 2010 TEDTalk: Bring on the Learning Revolution
Jane Jacobs
Recommended: The Death and Life of Great American Cities
William Maxwell
Recommended: So Long See You Tomorrow
Fred Mandell
Recommended: Can Art Save Us?
Betty Friedan
Recommended: The Fountain of Age
Helen Frankenthaller
Recommended: As in Nature
Keith Jarrett
David Orr
Recommended: Earth in Mind
Jeanne de Salzmann
Recommended: The Reality of Being
Mary Oliver
Recommended: Why I Wake Early
Edward O. Wilson
Recommended: The Meaning of Human Existence
Monty Python
Recommended: In Search of the Holy Grail
Mark Rylance
Recommended: Wolf Hall
Jon Stewart
Recommended: The Daily Show
Jane Pauley
Recommended: The Today Show 1976-1989
Barack Obama
Recommended: Dreams From My Father
Scotty McLennan
Recommended: Jesus Was A Liberal